Reflection of mind

If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Nothing can ruin my mood today

Today, in the morning I got up and thought, what a nice day, sun is shining directly on my face, must be nine o'clock or later already. But I don't feel tired, like one usually does after a long time sleeping. So I decided for myself, it will be a one good day. Then, two things happened that made my day shine even brighter.
First, my old German mate Irene called me, I was really happy to hear her voice. As usual, it was really relaxing to talk with her, remember good and bad times in my homecountry. Actually, sometimes it seems that it a kind of changing places. Because I used to help her with translation and logistics, and also try my best to support her at her low times, which actually was quite not easy, as cultural differences exist even in such issues. But I would try to cheer her up, with some random stupidities of my own experiences or those of my friends. I am in Germany now, and it is, as if, her turn. I am really thankful to her, because she called at the right time.
And there was a second thing that happened in a line of nice things. It was a postcard from Bec. Thanks for the postcards, I am receiving them all! I really love it! A big hug from me, I really miss you too, and I am also happy for the progresses you are doing and steps you are taking on the way to achieve your goals;-). (By the way, can you please send me your home address via e-mail again. I have it already, but I am not sure if I wrote it properly, as your handwritting seems to have australian accent either:-).
And of course, it made me again confident that the day is going to be wonderful. Well, I have to be a bit careful, otherwise, I might get run over by a car, that would not be wonderful:-).
Another thing I wanted to say, is that I am sorry, if my previous post turned out to insult anyone. I really did not mean too. I know I might have sounded a bit like Akhmadinedjad. I was a bit impulsive, so to say. Will hold the church in the village.
Anyway, I wish all of you who are there, doing internship or on the eve of it, a lot of fun. Hope you will love the experience you are all having. And I will do the same in my turn.
Peace out there!


At 6:10 AM , Blogger ICEUS said...

Good to hear that your mood is better today :-) Have a nice day, cu, Andrea

At 5:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better not get run over by a car Firdavs! Be careful! I am really happy you got my postcards, I thought they would never arrive!

How is the visa situation going?


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