Reflection of mind

If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity

Saturday, September 23, 2006

What sucks in Vienna.

Hello Everyone!

I know a long time without any news, despite promising to update my blog soon. Good news is that I have internet at home again, as well as a room where to stay in October. Bad news is that I might have to pay a lot for my internet, due to limewire.
I should also mention that I, finally, tried kangaroo strips in cafeteria, I am sure it was hoping a day before with its baby inside. But I can tell, it found its rest on my plate, and eventually, in my stomach, which I very much enjoyed. Oh, I almost forgot that I also got my supervisor buy me cigarettes from duty free shop. I was spending a lot of money on that. So, now I will spend less money and more health as they cost me 4 times less than normally!!! But I beg you guys not to leave comments saying I have to quit it. If you want to know I am fine with my smoking, I feel to be like the last of Mohicans :-). Smokers are being discriminated lately. The public picture is being portrayed in such a bad image that smokers are worse than, say, gays (Easy? I am very well aware of my making a political statement here, you like it or not). By the way, I should also inform you that I went to Baden. It is a small town/village near Vienna, and it has 14 natural springs, where the Romans and Kaisers would chill out and rest. Of course, I did that too, though without a cigarette and wine glass in hand, despite much desired. After that I went to rock a party with old people in front of Council house, where Austrian traditional music was played by an orchestra, which in case of emergency, could easily change the beat of music to the funeral one, due to the age of listeners present. With due respect to all of them. Anyway, I found what I was searching for and tasted some kind of wine hybrid, called Sturm. This homemade substance is a sort of an under-fermented wine, which though, can still give some effect to feel dizzy, if consumed in larger amounts. I mixed it with some more beer, I bought on the way back to Vienna and might have even misbehaved in public. Don’t know how it started, but at some point I realized that I was with some other interns in front of Opera house, standing in a perfect line and doing what one usually does after beer and trying to decide, which opera we should go to the next day. I guess this is how Mozarts, Beethovens and others got their inspiration in arts and music returning from the warm springs in Baden. At least, I did receive my inspiration. I even listened to violin some girl was playing on the street and did charity; despite my situation did not much differ from the girl’s. Ironical was to see the advert of Federal Chancellor Schüssel next to her, saying HE CAN. I guess, whatever he can does not consider poor students of arts and music. I did not tell you, Austria has elections. I don’t know who is going to win, but my favourite candidate is Westenhaler. His banners are always easy to understand, for example: Sozial Staat statt Zuwanderung, Österreich statt Schüssel und Brüssel, Daham statt Islam, Deutsch statt Ich nix verstehn and etc. He is good looking and always smiling to you from the banners. But to be serious it is actually sad, as much as those populous leaders in some countries making so much fuss about Pope’s speech and intention.
Oh, and I should tell you about going to bars on the Danube. It is very beautiful there, and cocktails are half a price. So, despite the fact that usually I am tired to death after work, and the only thing I want, is to eat and to sleep, I drop by to those Danube bars to try some cocktails, and perhaps increase my knowledge in them.
And last weekend, I also did some institutional going-out, that is I went to Best Wine Cellar in Vienna, took part in Oktoberfest Party in Bermuda triangle, and went to Flex, one of the best (and expensive) European discos. There are many cultural and night activities in Vienna that everytime one has to choose one and give up many others. And this is the only thing here, which sucks!

So, this is all I wanted to report, so far.


PS: I dont understand why I can't upload photos to my blog. I will try it tomorrow from the office.


At 2:34 AM , Blogger Lu said...

I'm not sure it is that smokers are being discriminated against, more that people are starting to realise that the right to be able to breathe fresh air is more important than the right to be able to fill places with poisonous fumes and blow said fumes over people who would rather breathe fresh air, not prematurely kill themselves and not go around smelling like an ashtray.
Anyway, enough about smoking. You know my views so enough said.

On to happier things, glad you are back blogging although it is a bit of a bugger that you can't upload photos. With blogger, I find that it is all about persistence...

Bon day :)

At 6:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to say something really nasty about you losing your throat and voice to cancer and then dying and us being really, really sad, despite the cause being self inflicted...but I decided not too.

So, what I thought I woudl say, was things are happening in Vienna! Wow! Sounds like you are having fun, despite internet troubles. Of which I know quite well of.

Keep smiling Firdavs! Miss ya mate!

At 8:25 AM , Blogger Andrea said...

hi firdavs, thanx for your worries ;-)
yeah, damn right, a whole lot of work to do, but it's OK. Everything is linked with a whole lot of interesting stuff and fun and other activities... However, I'm not too keen on doing bloggery at the moment... and if I once in the evening really don't have other activities, I'm busy with the daily repair of my ramshackle bed (not what ur thinking, the state of the bed is just in line with the state of the rest of my beloved cosy flat) and other home stuff... ;-)
All in all it's going very OK so far and I'm happy to read that you are fine, too.
Hoping to do better soon and update my blog - despite, I cannot promise... have no interesting photos right now, except from a horse show and I don't wanna bore (harm?) you with that girls' stuff ... but Paris is calling, so look forward to my report in two weeks or something like that.
hugs, A.


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