Reflection of mind

If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Hello there!

A couple of weeks ago UNHCR has published a magazine on refugees, the victims of intolerance. Magazine is full of dicturbing pictures and articles not only about people fleeing from persecution in their homecountry, but also suffering from persecution in the countries, where they received asylum seeker's status. Stories are from all over the world, many countries and regions. I just mention one of the random articles.It is a story of asylum seeking family from Turkmenistan in the city of Leeds, who were hospitalized after some local person unleashed his three dogs shouting "Go, go,go". The child injured was ten years old. A photo that is very disturbing is that of an African would be migrant or refugee lying dead on a beach while there are people sunbathing, watching and not stirring a finger to help. To my very big surprise last week there was an article on the CNN, which friend Veronica forwarded to me, telling about Angelina Jolie's comments on that same photo. (What a coincidence!:-) Everyone knows she is a goodwill ambassador of the UNHCR, UN agency for refugees, and that same photo caused anger of hers.
So i just thought, why not to publish that photo, as long as i have the magazine with me and all of us were so much interested in the European issues in the course of our studies.

Please "enjoy".



At 6:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This apathy and intolerance is everywhere. It is depressing.

At 6:34 AM , Blogger playingdrama said...

off the topic, and rather an uninteresting question: are you trying to identify yourself to some extent with angelina jolie by saying 'what a coincidence!'? nice try mate! :P


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